Meet Vlada Volkova from Kazakhstan, Almaty. Her mother comes from the Transcarpathian region so for Vlada the Hungarian language and culture were always familiar. Her dream to get to know more about her Hungarian heritage came true when she received the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship, and she could start to learn the language as well.
Do you want to know more about the CEEPUS exchange program? How do international students experience it? Read the story of Liridon Muqaku, a PhD student who has recently finished mobility at the University of Pécs , and it made him more independent and adaptable which can be valuable in his future academic and professional endeavours.
Are you interested in studying in Hungary for a shorter period? Are you a student of the Central European region? We introduce you to the CEEPUS mobility programme and the stories of former international participants with an exclusive interview!
Meet Nicholas Kolya Chang, a PhD student at the Faculty of Letters of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca who participated in a CEEPUS mobility and visited the University of Szeged and the Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest!
Emese and Mario met nine years ago, when the Spanish boy spent his Erasmus years in Budapest. Afterwards, Emese also visited Madrid as an Erasmus student to meet the boy, and then they travelled throughout Portugal, New Zealand and Asia together. They learnt the barista trade from international professionals, and finally they launched their own common business, Dorado Café.