Almost every Hungarian university has its own network to help foreign students and scholarship holders to become integrated into the local community.
If you are interested, get in touch with them or with the international organisations via the links below.
We listed some of the university-based student organizations below to give you some general information, please contact your school to receive more up-to-date information in connection with local organizations at your institution.
The Alumni Network Hungary is coordinated by the Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) and in close cooperation with the country’s universities and colleges. It wishes to establish and enhance an interactive, highly engaged and vibrant alumni community of former international students who have attended or graduated from any higher education institutions in Hungary.
The purpose of the International Alumni Network is to provide a forum to connect or (re)unite with your former fellow students and alma mater through social events, alumni meetings and online services of our website. You could stay updated about Hungary by obtaining exclusive access to our quarterly published newsletter about cultural, educational and training programmes and further potential scholarships.
Become a member!
How to join and what to do?
We kindly invite you to register as a member of the network for free of charge and benefit of our alumni events and extend your professional relations! Thank you for joining the community and following us on Facebook!
If you have any questions on your mind, do not hesitate to contact the International Alumni Team here: