Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary launches two new study programmes in English starting in the academic year 2022/2023: the PhD studies in Law and Political Sciences and the Teacher of English as a foreign language.
The word “super-resolution” brings crystal clear, high-resolution TV wonders to mind for most of us; however, in microscopy, the term has a different meaning. It means a technology that circumvents the problem caused by the wavelength of light, making the observation of cell- or even molecular level life processes possible.
The University of Pécs has won this year's EAIE Award for Excellence in Internationalisation for the online short-term programmes developed and managed by the International Centre.
Semmelweis University has improved its position by 149 since last year and is now among the top 300 higher education institutions in the latest World University Rankings of Times Higher Education (THE). The university has advanced significantly, improving all indicators and becoming a leading institution among Hungarian universities. At present, Semmelweis University is second among the TOP 500 universities of Europe in terms of the improvement it had made in a single year.
The RiIDE Robotics programme, which spans four countries and seven organizations, including ELTE supports the development of children with special educational needs with the help of robotics. Read more about this project in the interview of ELTE with Katalin Mohai, psychologist and special needs teacher, Csilla Kálózi-Szabó, psychologist and Brigitta Miksztai-Réthey, IT teacher, from ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education.
The coronavirus epidemic also fundamentally transformed music education, and with the spread of computer technologies, digital infrastructure also appeared in art education. The research, launched last fall, aimed to map creative ideas, teacher motivation strategies to support student activity, and the issue of how valuable online resources can be adapted to a modern art education system.