The coronavirus epidemic also fundamentally transformed music education, and with the spread of computer technologies, digital infrastructure also appeared in art education. The research, launched last fall, aimed to map creative ideas, teacher motivation strategies to support student activity, and the issue of how valuable online resources can be adapted to a modern art education system.
The participants of the PTE MOONBIKE cycling challenge, which started on 15 May, reached the Moon in 55 days, breaking last year's record!
Péter Böröcz, head of the Packaging and Environmental Testing Laboratory at Széchenyi István University, has recently been elected to the Board of Directors of the US-based International Association of Packaging Research Institutes.
Becoming a university student is a huge change after high school: it requires new time management, new learning methodology, and acclimatisation to a new life situation if someone comes from another country. To reduce student dropout, which is an inherent feature of the changed circumstances and requirements, the UP Faculty of Pharmacy has mentoring programmes in the Hungarian and English trainings with the involvement of teachers and students.
On 31 May, ELTE's Senate approved that the Institute of Business Economics (founded in 2017) should be transformed to the Faculty of Economics from 1 August 2021.
Would you like to develop your academic skills in the summer? Do you want to make new friendships with students coming from all parts of the world? Join the ELTE Budapest Summer University and take part in a number of inspiring courses.