Each year Santa Claus, or in Hungarian, the Mikulás traditionally visits the homes of Hungarian children the night before Santa Claus Day on 6 December and leaves various tasty treats in their shoes. It is a nice custom that children love, here you can read the story of this more than hundred-year-old tradition.
Each year the Cake of Hungary competition is organized by Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association on the occasion of the national holiday, August 20th, the day on which Saint Stephen founded Hungary. It is a popular tradition to celebrate the most talented Hungarian confectioners and promote culinary innovation. This year the cake “Naughty Plum Prince” has been the winner of the contest.
On April 11 Hungarians celebrate National Poetry Day and its literary tradition isn’t so familiar among international student or foreign people living in Hungary. First for fun, but later for building a bridge between cultures, Owen Good decided to translate contemporary work like poems written by Hungarian poets Renátó Fehér or Krisztina Tóth.