As you graduate today I urge you to think about life a little more, and of people whom we will serve. Think about what really matters to you and them. Please do not waste your time on this planet let’s do our best to shape the world into a better place for all of us.
Indeed, my stay here in Hungary exposed me to the fact that everybody can live peacefully not minding the religious, cultural and social background. Society can be a better if we choose to make it a better.
Bilawal Hussain came to Hungary from Pakistan to start his master studies and he graduted only a few weeks ago. Before starting a new chapter in his life he shared some of his thoughts and memories reflecting on the past years he spent in Hungary.
Stipendium Hungaricum Program is a huge opportunity for both national and international students to network, share each other's culture, and make this world a global village.
When you have time, think back on your entire study abroad experience. The people you met, the places you traveled, the things you did… don’t be afraid to reminisce. Appreciate the fact that you did something very few students get to do, and treasure that experience and the new qualities you possess because of it.