March 19, 2019 13:34
Study in Hungary visited Canada

Study in Hungary travelled to Canada to join the Study and Go Abroad student fairs in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. 

The Hungarian delegation was made up from representatives of Tempus Public Foundation and 13 Hungarian higher education institutions. At each location, visitors of the fairs got insight about the higher education system in Hungary, the offered study and mobility programmes available in the country and all information about what it is like to study and live in Hungary.

Besides the exhibitions, TPF organized university meetings to the University of British Columbia and University of Toronto. Representatives of the UBC introduced their institution, gave information about their Go Global programme and summer university, also, showed interest in future cooperations with Hungarian higher education institutions. After the meeting, members of the respected Faculty of Forestry Sopron Division greeted the Hungarian delegation. With their lead, the delegation visited memorial places as the Székely gate and a commemorative plaque on the campus.

At the meeting with the University of Toronto the Hungarian delegation got introduced to how their international office is working and got detailed information about the Hungarian Studies programme available at UoT. The programme is offered by the Munk School of Global Affairs, Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies and it is very popular among Canadian students.
Useful ideas and experiences were shared at both university visits with the aim of developing further mobility options among the institutions of the two countires.

Members of the Hungarian diaspora welcomed the delegation in Vancouver and Montreal. These events were focusing on giving information about study programmes in Hungary mainly for the descendants of Hungarians who moved to Canada. They seemed to be interested in short and long-term study programmes and summer universities in Hungary. Representatives of the TPF gave presentations and the guests could ask their questions directly to the university representatives as well – the lovely meetings ended in fruitful conversations.

The Consulate General of Hungary in Toronto arranged a reception for the Hungarian delegation and international alumni members. This nice event gave the opportunity for the alumnis to meet the representatives of their alma maters, share their professional experiences and have a great occasion for networking.

The Hungarian delegation would like to thank Ms. Katalin Oroszi, Cultural Attaché and Mr. Gábor Simon, Counsellor, Trade Commissioner and Consul, from the Embassy of Hungary in Ottawa, Ms. Mariann Demeter–Pintér, Economic and Trade Counsellor and Mr. Péter Laky-Takács, Consul, from the  Consulate General of Hungary in Toronto and Mr. Tamás Török, Consul, from the  Vice Consulate of Hungary in Vancouver for their help and honorable presence at the events. 
After a rich and successful programme in Canada, the delegation returned home with engaging future cooperation possibilities.

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