October 19, 2017 11:06
Study in Hungary Programme Was Popular in Brazil

Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) with the cooperation of 8 Hungarian higher education institutions and the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference attended the „Salao do Estudante 2017” education fair organized in three cities in Brazil – Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.

The new scholarship opportunity which opened after the Science Without Border mobility programme - called Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme – was introduced to the Brazilian students. The Hungarian delegation beside attending the education fair has also organized an information day and alumni meeting. 

The "Explore Hungary" information day and alumni meeting was held on 29th September at the University of São Paulo with a great success. Participants were welcomed not only by Ambassador Norbert Konkoly, but also by Prof. Dr. Moacyr Ayres Novaes Filho, Deputy Director of Academic Mobility at the University of São Paulo. Many students, who have been studying in Hungary with the Science Without Borders scholarship programme, accepted the invitation and were happy to share their experiences with other guests.

After the successful information day, the delegation attended the "Salao do Estudante 2017" International Higher Education Fair, with the first stop in São Paulo on 30th September and 1st October. We were delighted to welcome Mr. Szilard Teleki, General Consul, at the Hungarian stand and he also spoke at the lecture "Study in Hungary".

Subsequently, in Rio de Janeiro on 3rd October, a common Hungarian national stand was waiting for those interested in Hungarian higher education. 

The Brazilian appearance ended in Belo Horizonte on 5th October.

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