July 09, 2019 15:41
Five Hungarian universities among the winner applications for „European universities”

The European Commission has announced the 17 winners of the new tender type, named „European universities”. Five Hungarian universities made it to the list of the elected applications. According to the decision on 27 June 2019, the chosen applicants receive € 85 million subsidy altogether.

To the new type of tender, called European universities, 54 applications has arrived in February. The long-term aim of the programme is to create European campuses which goes across borders and where universities can harmonise their performances as researches, administration and their services, where nothing set bounds to the mobility of their students, teachers or colleagues. The European Commission chose the application of 17 associations including five Hungarian universities.

Each winner consortium receives € 5 million subsidy. The elected projects – where 114 European higher education institutions representing themselves – will start between September and December.

Please find the full list of the winning associations here. The Hungarian related winner applications are listed below:

Name of the association

Hungarian participant

CHARM-EU (Reconciling Humanity with the Planet)

Eötvös Loránd University

CIVICA (European University of Social Sciences)

Central European University

EDUC (European Digital UniverCity)

University of Pécs

EU4Art (Alliance for Common Fine Arts Curriculum)

Hungarian University of Fine Arts

EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health)

University of Szeged

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