September 12, 2023 09:41
Five Facts about the Hungarian higher education system

The higher education system in Hungary has some interesting elements compared to the other European systems. However, Hungary follows the standards of the European Bologna Process, it might be totally different from the American, Asian, or African education system. These 5 facts give you an insight if you are interested in studying in Hungary.

1.  The university community dates to more than 650 years

Hungarian higher education has been representing academic excellence for more than 650 years. The first university was founded in 1367 in Pécs, the Southern region of Hungary. Today, there are 64 accredited higher education institutions in Hungary and 4 foreign higher education institutions operating with a license, ranging from minor universities of applied sciences to top research universities.

2.  There are 13 ranges of study fields which contain hundreds of majors and courses

There are 6 state-funded, 37 privately-funded, and 21 church-funded institutions to choose from. Thanks to the international environment all students can find what fits their interests the best: institutions offer more than 700 courses in English, German, French, and other languages. The largest institutions offer courses in all study fields while smaller institutions have programmes in a few specific areas. Students can earn double degrees at many universities through joint degree programmes in which the Hungarian university works together with another European higher education institution. In the case of applying for these programmes students enroll in both universities and obtain a double degree from both institutions.

3.  Hungary also follows the standards of the European Bologna Process

The Hungarian higher education programmes are offered at three levels – bachelor’s (6-8 semesters), master’s (2-4 semesters), and doctoral (4+4 semesters) – which are usually referred to as the three-cycle system according to the European Bologna system. Besides these integrated and cyclic programmes there are one-tier master’s programmes (10-12 semesters), where the bachelor’s level and the master’s level are undivided: e.g. veterinary medicine, architecture, dentistry, pharmaceutics, law and medicine, and teacher training. The one-tier master’s (undivided) programmes are equivalent to the master’s level, so you will obtain a master’s degree at the end of your studies.

4. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in Hungary

The credit system ensures the transparency of the learning, teaching and assessment processes and provides the grades you have achieved that can be accepted by other European institutions in other countries. At the end of each semester, the student’s study achievement is evaluated with a grade in the Hungarian five-grade scale, and sometimes the number of credits you should achieve might differ from one institution and course to another in an academic year or semester. At the end of the semester, the student’s study achievement is evaluated with a grade (5-excellent, 4-good, 3-medium, or satisfactory, 2-sufficient or pass, and 1-fail). The ECTS conversion table ensures transfer procedures between the Hungarian academic credit system and the ECTS. The recognition of courses completed abroad is based on the credit transfer regulation.

5. Find your path among the several scholarship opportunities

There are at least 6 types of scholarship opportunities in Hungary varied by different backgrounds and maintainers and give chances to join the communities in the heart of Europe. The Stipendium Hungaricum and Bilateral State Scholarships are the most popular among prosperous students from the non-Western world. CEEPUS is familiar to Central Europe or the South-Eastern part of Europe students while Erasmus+ and Erasmus+ Traineeships are provided for the EU members. Last but not least the core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary to young Christian students.

If you want to learn more about these scholarship programmes and the Hungarian higher education click HERE for more information.

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