January 22, 2019 13:20
ELTE Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture
Apply for the summer university of ELTE until 15 February to get a discount!

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) organizes the 25th Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture.

It is a four-week program offering an intensive Hungarian Language Course with many cultural components. The Summer University brings together interested individuals from diverse geographical, cultural, and academic backgrounds for an intensive course on Hungarian language and culture in Budapest. There is a possibility to take part in the first 2 or 3 weeks of the program with adjusted course fee.

Details of the program:

Date: 29 July – 23 August 2019
Venue: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Language: English and Hungarian
Participants: International students and adults, who want to learn Hungarian language
Application period: from 5 January to 10 July 2019
Course fee: 720 EUR (for discounts, please, check the website “Course fee”)

There is a -25% Voucher for the first applicants available until 15 February 2019. Link to the voucher: www.elte.hu/en/hunsummerunivoucher19

Apply now here: www.elte.hu/en/hungariansummer19

If you have any questions regarding the application, don't hesitate to write an email to the university: hungariansummer@elte.hu

Have a look at the program here and check all the practical information including discounts, application procedure, accommodation, and location of the courses clicking on the subheadings’ photos: www.elte.hu/en/hungarian-language-and-culture    

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