October 13, 2023 10:44
Join the Ludovika International Talents Program!

Ludovika University of Public Service is pleased to announce the launch of the Ludovika International Talents Program (LIT). This program aims to support visiting researchers who embrace the values of the university and are engaged in research in one of the researched fields at the university’s faculties or research centers.

The visiting researcher will conduct an analysis of a public, social, economic, or policy issue affecting Hungary or Central Europe and propose solutions to that specific issue. Research activity can be conducted in various fields at the institution such as Political Sciences, Public Policy, International and European Studies, International Security Studies Military Sciences, Water Sciences, and Water Engineering. Through their research work, visiting researchers will gain insight into the teaching and research work carried out at the university.

Other primary objectives of the Program are to familiarize researchers with Hungary and Hungarian culture as well as to provide opportunities for them to build their personal and professional network by connecting them with people who influence Hungarian public life.

The Programme is open to foreign nationals who are currently studying for a PhD or who have completed their PhD degree within 5 years of submitting their application. Applications shall be submitted to the online application system of the Program until the 31st of October.

If you are interested in the program, please visit the university website HERE!

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