October 02, 2018 14:30
Hungarian universities among the best
THE World University ranking

The Times Higher Education (THE) makes a listing every year of universities in the world including top institutions and smaller universities. 1258 institutions from 86 countries were included in the ranking this year. THE makes its analysis based on the 5 following factors: teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook as core missions and activities of universities and uses 13 indicators to provide balanced comparisons.

This year 7 Hungarian education institutions have been listed among the best 1,000, Semmelweis University, Eötvös Lóránd University, University of Pécs, University of Szeged, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest and University of Debrecen.

Semmelweis University was ranked among the best 500 institutions in the world having the best position of the Hungarian universities. Semmelweis achieved a high point in the ranking with its 73,8 point in the aspect of international outlook due to the increasing number of international students and staff mobility as well as the number of publications that have been carried out in the framework of international cooperations.

Eötvös Lóránd University, University of Pécs and University of Szeged were ranked between 601-800, the University of Debrecen and Budapest University of Technology and Economics were ranked between between 801-1000, and Corvinus University has reached a position in the 1000+ category.

Source: Times Higher Education World University Rankings

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