March 19, 2021 12:37
Celebrating World Poetry Day with the Alumni Volunteer team

World Poetry Day was on 21th March and we celebrated culture, reading and writing poems all around the world. The aim of the UNESCO recognised event is to support linguistic diversity with sharing famous poems or even sharing our own. To celebrate together, we asked the international Alumni Volunteer team of 34 people speaking 23 different languages what their favourite poems are and why they like them.

Nemer Abu-Rumman: Here is my favourite poem. I think it’s one of the most beautiful poems in Arabic from the famous poet,  Al-Mutanabbi. I love his poetry because it encourages me to always do great things and to be a doer not just a dreamer.


علـــــــــــــــى قـــــــــــــــدر أهـــــــــــــــل العـــــــــــــــزم تأتــــــــــــي العزائـــــــــــــــم 

علـــــــــــــــى قـــــــــــــــدر أهـــــــــــــــل العـــــــــــــــزم تأتــــــــــــي   العزائـــــــــــــــم

وتأتـــــــــــــــي على قدر الكـــــــــــــــرام المكـــــــــــــــارم

وتعظـــــــــــــــم في عيـــــــــــــــن الصغيـــــــــــــــر صغـــــــــــــــارها

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Resolutions are measured according those who take them

Resolutions are measured according those who take them

And so much is true for generosity and its givers

Trifle matters are magnified in the eyes of little people

While grandeur is belittled in the eyes of the great


source of translation: Al-Mutanabbi: The Arabian Knightly Poet of Majestic Grandeur | Arabic Language Blog (


Abu Imran Baba: Why do I like these phrases? These sentences are from a poem which is very enlightening. I like how the words are put down and it tells the person to search for his life and own values within his own body. It depicts a deep message that first we should know ourselves very deeply, because everything lies within us.

Maulana Rumi : There is a life-force within your soul

There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life.

There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine.

O traveler if you are in search of That.

Don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek That.

translated by Shahram Shiva in "Rumi - Thief of Sleep: 180 Quatrains from the Persian"


Mohammed Abboh Adam (Own poem): This poem is very emotional; I wrote it when I was a BSc student at the University of Khartoum in 2012. I loved a girl since high school, she was the first love in my life. However, she married someone else because I was only at the beginning of my way to build myself professionally. Still, it is one of the most beautiful memories in my life.

دفتر احْوال                                                

أخْطُو خُطوه... أرسُم صُوره.... أنسُج عالم... أسمعُ صوتاً ويخفقُ قلبى                     

يهرولُ ساقى ... نحو النغَم الشادِى

أُبعثرُ ورقاً... أبحثُ عن ذاتِى... أزينُ قلماً...فى حر الشمس...

أكتبُ شيئاً لعلهُ حال حُب خالد وزاهِىْ

ألونْ وأدونْ... أرسُمْ وأتخيلْ... أحلِلْ معنى وأسطرُ ذكرىْ

اجلسُ هناك وحيداً... أتخيلْ من ظننْتها حبيبه...

أعيشْ اللحظه ولو لدقيقهْ...

أنسجُ خيط الأمل وأتطلعُ شروق الشمس... وأكابدُ نهار الصبحِ

أعملُ وأملأ وقتىْ.. أثقُ بنفسىْ.. أؤمنُ بربىْ

مازلتُ جالِساً...أتخيلُ حقيقة حبىْ...

تسقينى خمرة حُبها ... أسكرْ وأترنح يمنة ويسرى...

أنسىْ وأنسىْ نفسى... وأنسىْ الدنيا وأبحر فى دنياى

فهى تبدو نقيه... رقيقه كالحنان الطاغى...

فى قلبى بنيتُ لها مجداً ... شيدت لها ملكاً...

سأعبدُ وأدعُو معها ربى... أسجدُ ليلاً وأسبحُ صبحاً

ألعب وأمضى أجمل وقتىْ... أزينُ حبىْ...

فما زلت طفلاً يحبُو... أعيشُ بحُبها وبحُبها أبقىْ.

Circumstances book

I take one step... I draw a picture... I weave a world… I hear a sound and my heart pounding

My leg jogs… Towards the chanting tone

I scatter paper ... I search for myself… I decorate a pen ... in the heat of the sun…

I am writing something that might be the case with a timeless and vivid love

I colour and write ... I draw and visualize… I analyse the meaning and remembrance lines

I sit there alone… I imagine who I thought will be my beloved…

I live the moment, even for a minute ...

I weave a thread of hope and look forward to the sunrise... and I suffer a day's morning

I work and fill my time... I trust myself.. I believe in my Lord

I'm still sitting ... Imagining the reality of my love…

she drinks me, the wine of her love ... I get drunk, I stagger left and right ...

I forget and forget myself ... and forget the world and sail in my world

She looks pure ... as tender as tyrant tenderness ...

In my heart I built her glory ... I built a kingdom for her ...

I will worship and pray with her my Lord ... I prostrate at night and praise in the morning

I play and spend my best time ... adorn my love ...

I am still a crawling child…. I live with her love and with her love, I stay.

Feifei Wang (Own poem): 窗前 (In front of the window)






In front of the window

Moonlight shines on the window,

Suddenly swish of coldness,

New year is approaching,

Can't help but missing Mum.

If you are not a member of the Alumni Network Hungary community but you have questions for the Alumni Volunteers, register now on the Alumni Network Hungary website so you can contact them!

Source of the picture: Thought Catalog on Unsplash

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