September 28, 2020 16:00
6 tips for taking online classes

Online classes have been the part of the academic studies for many years, but today its importance is growing even more. Here we collected some useful tips which may help you make your online learning the most effective.     

1. Prepare the same as you were in class personally

Online classes are real classes. To make the most of your studies, you need to organise all you do the same way as you were in a classroom personally. Arrive in time, gather your books and look through all the related notes you have taken before. And what will make you get even further? You are online so you have the opportunity to search for all the necessary information immediately.

2. Create your own study space

No matter where you are, a comfortable, calm surrounding is always crucial for efficient learning. Prepare your own desk, brighten your room and get some drink for the time of your lecture. Besides, high-speed internet connection and some good headphones will surely be of great help.

3. Practice time management

Time management is a key element of doing anything in your life successfully. For not getting lost in your studies, you should set a tight schedule that you can stick to. Make a study plan before a new week starts and look through what classes you will have to attend. You should also devide your days into sections and set deadlines, it will definitely motivate you to finish your tasks on time. If you need more tips and tricks about effective time management, read our previous article here.

4. Become up to date

For making the best of your work, you should always be up to date with everything that’s happening at your university. For getting all the information you need for your studies, visit your faculty’s website and check your Neptun system regularly for your incoming mails. You can also join online study groups, where you can remain in contact with your university mates. And if you still have any more questions, get in touch with your university coordinator and get informed. 

5. Check the online video platform you will use

By now one can find numerous applications for taking your classes online but before starting, you should check the online study platform your university uses. Try all the tools of the application and make sure that your microphone and camera work properly. You should also download the application to your laptop and even to your phone, so you can join your classes anytime, anywhere. But if you don’t want to miss anything, don’t forget about good internet connection as well.

6. Stay in focus

While studying online, you can encounter many things that can distract your attention from your subject. In order to remain efficient, try to avoid TV, cell phones and even social media for the time of your lectures, since messages or notifications can easily make you lose focus. If you really need some background noise, put on some music on low volume that can help you concentrate – you can find a wide selection of them on the Internet.

Taking online classes has its own unique challenges but it surely gives you the opportunity to learn how to work at your own pace and how to be more productive in organising your studies. We hope that our tips helped you to get the best out of yourself!

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Source of the pictures:, photo made by jcomp on freepik, photo made by Rawpixel on freepik

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