We are warmly inviting you to the Open Day at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) on 14 October 2016.
The first Stipendium Hungaricum Farewell Event took place last week in Budapest on Gönyü boat and graduate students from all over the world were eager to join our developing alumni network and to spread the world about their positive experiences in Hungary.
Over the last years, the number of Erasmus students coming to Hungary has increased strongly. According to stats released by ec.europa.eu, the European Commission’s website, Hungary is the 18th most popular destination country out of a 34-nation field. The statistics of the Tempus Public Foundation and the European Commission to show the direction of this social process.
Hungarian booth attracted crowds at NAFSA kickoff in Denver. The biggest such higher educational fair takes place from 29th of May-3rd of June. The Hungarian representatives held promising talks with possible partners during the first two days, while the attractive Study in Hungary booth was very popular among visitors.
Study in Hungary – Pop Up Hungary roadshow has come to an end and it developed the Chinese-Hungarian higher education ties in many ways.
After the education fair on the weekend Hungarian delegation held talks with Beijing International Studies University on the 9th of May. The parties discussed opporturnities of possible future cooperations in the field of mobility, including scholarships and the exchange of guest lecturers and researchers.