August 24, 2023 16:57

Corvinus University of Budapest has once again been awarded the AMBA accreditation, the most prestigious international recognition in the field of postgraduate business education. This achievement enables Corvinus to maintain its position among the top 2% of the world's business schools, standing as the sole Hungarian university in the category of MBA programmes.

July 28, 2023 12:52

The digital knowledge network of the University of Pécs Medical School, PotePedia, supports the work of students and teachers with new services and new opportunities. The results of the latest development of the second-generation medical education learning material system provide effective support for the 3500 students from around 80 countries who come to study medicine at the Medical School in Pécs, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.

July 17, 2023 11:22

The concept of ecosystem services, also researched at Corvinus, helps to assess the social and economic role of biodiversity.

June 26, 2023 14:30

The collaboration between MOME and John von Neumann University has reached a milestone by representing SUPERMOTO, an e-motorcycle developed by the two universities' students and teachers, in an international e-vehicle summit.

June 16, 2023 14:55

Following two years of research and work, Semmelweis HELP was launched on June 14, 2023. The new app and website – guide parents to the appropriate healthcare action: it helps them decide what to do when their children get sick or suffer an accident and where to go.

June 5, 2023 10:46

Our Alumni volunteer, a PhD student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen was elected member of the scientific advisory board of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The focus of Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh's research is the development of innovative, functional, and sustainable food products.

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