July 28, 2023 12:52
It is like having our own library of 170.000 volumes that is constantly being updated

The digital knowledge network of the University of Pécs Medical School, PotePedia, supports the work of students and teachers with new services and new opportunities. The results of the latest development of the second-generation medical education learning material system provide effective support for the 3500 students from around 80 countries who come to study medicine at the Medical School in Pécs, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.

"PotePedia, the cloud-based storage for the training material of the Medical School in Pécs, has come a long way. It has been developed and fine-tuned by a team of developers for four years based on feedback from the departments, and it is still unique in terms of medical education in Hungary", said László Fekete, Head of the School's Digital Marketing Office, also the coordinator of the learning material development project and the developer of the digital tool aimed at on the one hand summarising and updating the knowledge of medical education in Pécs and developing the learning culture on the other hand.”

Read the full article here: https://aok.pte.hu/en/hirek/hir/16080

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