June 26, 2019 16:22
Study in Hungary went to NAFSA 2019

In 2019 the NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo took place in Washington D.C and welcomed more than 10 000 attendees from over 100 countries. This year’s main theme was “Global Leadership, Learning and Change”.

Tempus Public Foundation provided the “Study in Hungary” booth and promoted the Hungarian higher education together with the representatives of 9 Hungarian HEI and the Hungarian Rector’s Conference.

Besides presenting a poster presentation on “Student perspectives on internationalization” TPF also had the opportunity to join the global partner session of NAWA titled „Internationals at the university – special treatment or regular care” together with the colleagues of IIE and CBIE. The session described four approaches on the development of activities aiming at internationalization at home.

Branding for Success - How to become a TOP 15 destination for US students

As a side event TPF along with the Consulate General of Hungary in New York had organized a one day long workshop on successful university branding with the aim to discuss how can Hungarian HEIs become more visible at the U.S. higher education market.

 We are looking forward to meeting again at NAFSA 2020 at St. Louis.

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