December 10, 2018 16:46
Study in Hungary travelled to Canada!

We are proud to announce that Tempus Public Foundation together with the representatives of Hungarian HEIs attended at the CBIE Annual Conference that took place in Ottawa between 18 -21 November 2018.

The Canadian Bureau for International Education as Canada’s national membership organization exclusively dedicated to international education, brought together a vibrant community of leaders of international offices from HEIs, student advisors, researchers, recruitment and marketing professionals, Canadian and foreign government officials at its Annual Conference.

Beside the exhibition, TPF had the chance to hold a 60 minutes session in the framework of the conference with the aim to inform participants about cooperation opportunities managed by Tempus Public Foundation and to facilitate discussion in order to establish new partnerships and collaborations between Canadian and Hungarian HEIs.

The Study in Hungary booth represented the Hungarian higher education together with eleven Hungarian higher education institutions (University of Szeged, University of Miskolc, University of Pécs, Semmelweis University, Szent István University, University of Debrecen, Tomori Pál College, Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Veterinary Medicine, Gál Ferenc College, and National University of Public Service). The delegates of the institutions had the opportunity to further develop their existing relationships and to explore new possible partnerships with Canadian partners.

The delegation of Study in Hungary

Partnership meetings at the Study in Hungary booth

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