July 13, 2018 15:25
Make this world a global village

Stipendium Hungaricum Program is a huge opportunity for both national and international students to network, share each other's culture, and make this world a global village.

First of all, thank you for celebrating this special day, our success with us and I would like to congratulate all of the graduating students here. Two years before I was preparing to learn a new culture, make new friends and live far from family. Hungary has truly been my second home where I have amazing friends, educational and life experience in this country.

The environment and the people of this country are so welcoming. Stipendium Hungaricum Program is a huge opportunity for both national and international students to network, share each other's culture, and make this world a global village.

We all have support networks of friends, family and loved ones to thank and without our lecturers, our degree wouldn’t be possible. The biggest thanks we owe to ourselves! If we hadn’t taken that leap of faith and backed ourselves then we wouldn’t be here today as graduates.

Today I am so grateful and confident that I am graduating student and have an opportunity to say my word to the wide society. During two year I have had many opportunities for personal and professional growth and I believed and loved the works I was doing, that helped me to do great work for my personality and future career.

I still have a lot of learning and work to do and this experience and degree will support and motivate me to continue the way towards the success.

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program helped me to realize the proper use of time and follow to own goal and striving to achieve it.

(Graduation speech written by Miranda Tsintskiladze from Georgia)

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