July 12, 2021 12:01
"Look, I could do it, you can do it too!"
Learning support mentor programmes at the University of Pécs

Becoming a university student is a huge change after high school: it requires new time management, new learning methodology, and acclimatisation to a new life situation if someone comes from another country. To reduce student dropout, which is an inherent feature of the changed circumstances and requirements, the UP Faculty of Pharmacy has mentoring programmes in the Hungarian and English trainings with the involvement of teachers and students.

The faculty mentoring programmes were launched at the University of Pécs in September 2018 on the initiative of the university. The aim of these programmes is to thematise, focus on the student’s problems, and then help students by taking these aspects into account. With the help of the appropriate mentoring programme and the mentors participating in it, the student receives a student service that pays special attention and energy to problem-solving and which everyone receives equally. The aim is to provide students with the comfort, cosiness, appropriate study support tools and methods defined by student well-being.

Students are addressed through mentoring programmes in the English and Hungarian trainings of the UP Faculty of Pharmacy. Both teachers and students have been involved on the supporting side.

“A lot of people thought of learning support as tutoring. We thought this is not necessarily effective. We also see that current students are reluctant to seek help from teachers, preferring to turn to their fellow students for advice instead. From all this, we had the idea to create a kind of learning support, at the same time motivating English mentoring programme, which provides students with a helping hand in terms of learning methodology and learning support, as well as inspires them: it shows what they can gain with a degree in pharmacy, what diverse career opportunities they have” - Gergely Jánosa, programme coordinator and teacher mentor introduced the initiative.

To read the full article about the mentoring programmes of the UP Faculty of Pharmacy, visit the official website of the university.

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