January 22, 2021 13:17
L'Oréal-Unesco Award to a UD Researcher

Zsuzsa Bagoly, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Debrecen is among the L'Oréal-Unesco award winners this year. She has been recognised for her research work aimed at making the treatment of stroke patients more efficient.

The L’Oréal-Unesco "for Women in Science" award is unique in the Hungarian science community. It was established to support female scientists from any part of the country. The patron of the programme is the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). The jury, which consists of members of MTA, recognised the work of two scientists working in the field of medicine. Zsuzsa Bagoly, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of UD researches ischemic stroke, the most common cause of adult disability.

“We have focused on the development of diagnostic methods that would allow us to design personal treatment plans based on taking blood samples in the 3-4.5-hour critical period after a stroke. The currently applied method is the removal or dissolution of the clot, but the latter is effective only in 35-40 percent of cases. Our aim is to increase this ratio” - explained Zsuzsa Bagoly to hirek.unideb.hu.

During the 18-year history of the L’Oréal-Unesco award, 49 researchers have been recognised so far.  The purpose of the scholarship is to inspire young women to achieve outstanding scientific results, and to empower women in various fields of research in Hungary.

If you want to read more about Zsuzsa Bagoly and her project, visit the official website of the University of Debrecen

Links and sources: University of Debrecen

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