May 13, 2019 10:07
Hungary gives the third biggest delegation for the Going Global Conference 2019

Nine Hungarian higher education institutions will participate on the Going Global higher education conference in Berlin between 13-15 May 2019 with the coordination of Tempus Public Foundation.

Going Global is a conference for leaders in international education to debate the future of further and higher education, says the mission of the conference. TPF thinks it is important to send leaders from the Hungarian higher education as well in order to take part in and have an impact on the global discussion about the future and recent aims and challenges of higher education.

Going Global 2019 is organised by the British Council with the support of DAAD. It originally focuses on the professional sessions and debates on hot topics in higher education. Over 950 delegates from more than 85 countries will be attending the world’s largest open gathering of leaders involved in international education, including government ministers, university and college heads, experts in tertiary and further education as well as technology and industry chiefs.

The conference theme of this year is Knowledge diplomacy and the digital world: does international tertiary education have a role? TPF contributes to the programme with a poster session about the cooperation with foreign missions in promoting higher education abroad.

Hungary is represented as the third biggest delegation at the conference, and got the opportunity to introduce its strategical aims in the field of internationalisation of HE at a country table discussion organized by the British Council.

More information:

Participating institutions from Hungary:
Budapest Business School
Budapest Metropolitan University
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Eötvös Loránd University
Kaposvár University
Széchenyi István University
Szent István University
Tomori Pál College
University of Pannonia
Tempus Public Foundation

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