March 29, 2016 13:02
ELTE Summer School in Mathematics

6–10 June 2016

One-week summer school for undergraduate and graduate students in Mathematics, Computer Science or Sciences, organized by the Institute of Mathematics, ELTE, Budapest. If you are planning your future and want to check our graduate school that offers an English language MSc program, then this is a good opportunity to do so with a one-week long intensive experience.

Topic: "Discrete algorithms and applications"

Discrete algorithms play an essential role in everyday life. The accelerating development of technology constantly requires new ideas and solutions to problems arising from real life applications. Many well-known technology products that have became the integral part of our life – such as computers, mobile phones, GPS, cryptography, or the internet itself – are heavily based on such algorithms.
The aim of the summer school is to give an insight into the area of discrete algorithms. The lectures will discuss both theoretical and applied results. The participants will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the LEMON C++ template library that provides efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms.

Mathematics education at ELTE
Mathematics education has a long tradition in Hungary. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has leading mathematicians among its former students and former and current professors. Frigyes Riesz, Lipót Fejér, John von Neumann, Pál Turán, Endre Szemerédi (Abel Prize winner in 2012), László Lovász, and Pál Erdős are all ELTE alumni.

Important dates
Early bird application: 30 April 2016
Latest deadline for applications: 31 May 2016
First day of classes: 6 June 2016
Last day of classes: 10 June 2016

More information
Website of the summer school 
Facebook page

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