Our morning course options:
- The East Asian Developmental Systems in Comparison to the Former Socialist Economies by Katalin Ferber,
- Investment Decisions in Central and Easter Europe by Gergely Fazakas and Péter Juhász,
- Entrepreneurship by Tim Gittins
Our afternoon course:
- City development in the 21st Century by István Vilmos Kovács, István Kollai, János Balázs Kocsis
Each course offers 6 ECTS credits for the three weeks.
Application deadline: 26th May, 2019
Fees: 600 EUR/Course; 1100 EUR/ 2 Courses
Social package is: 190 EUR
Students from our partner schools receive 50 EUR/course reduction.
You can find detailed information on our Webpage and on Facebook!
The Corvinus Summer School Team
Directorate of International Relations and Innovation
Corvinus University of Budapest
Fovam ter 8, H-1093 Budapest