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Balassi Summer University Application - Last Minute - Study In Hungary
June 22, 2017 09:20
Balassi Summer University Application - Last Minute
Call for scholarship applications
The scholarship is intended for individuals studying in the Stipendium Hungaricum Hungarian
Language University Preparatory Programme and wish to improve their command of Hungarian
language and broaden their knowledge of the culture of Hungary.
The goal of the scholarship is to improve the Hungarian language skills and cultural knowledge of the
18 years old or older participants of the Stipendium Hungaricum Hungarian Language
University Preparatory Programme. The four-week long course takes place at the Balassi Institute
in Budapest.
Volunteer work, references from their University, and any other activities related to the Hungarian

 culture are taken into consideration in the selection of the applicants.

Description of the programme:
During the four-week long programme the students attend 80 Hungarian language classes, and they
can participate in Hungarian studies lectures and extramural activities. Outside of class they will visit
museums and will have various programmes where they can gain experience regarding the Hungarian
culture. At the end of the programme they will take an oral and a written exam.
Class attendance is compulsory. Should a participant miss classes without cause, or violate the
Institute’s Study and Exam rules or Disciplinary Guidelines, the individual will lose the right to
continue the programme and the right to reside in the Institute’s residence.
Programme duration: 4 weeks (24 July, 2017 – 18 August, 2017)


The scholarship includes:
- Tuition fee
- Course materials
- Student residence (2-3 persons per room)
- Three meals a day
- Pass for public transportation
- Attending the cultural programs in the afternoons
- Attending the excursion

Maximum number of scholarships to be awarded: 45

Deadline for electronic application: 26 June, 2017 (12 p.m.)
The applications will be evaluated by 28 June, 2017 and applicants will be notified about the results
within 5 work-days after that. Decisions about the applications are made by the MFA–Balassi Institute
Board. All decisions are binding.
MFA–Balassi Institute will not consider applications that are submitted after the deadline and/or are
incorrect or incomplete, or illegible.
All applications are to be submitted electronically.
Step 1, please register on https://sao.bbi.hu/palyazatok/kitoltes/balassi-summer-university-2017-
Step 2, fill in the online Summer University application form.


Documents to be uploaded:
 résumé (.doc or .docx)
 Copy of your passport (.pdf)
 Copy of your TAJ-card (Hungarian National Health Insurance card), if you have (.pdf)
 Reference letter from a volunteer organization or a recognized individual in .pdf format (optional)
For further information please contact Tilla Korcsmáros at MFA–Balassi Institute’s Department for
Hungarian Studies and Teaching Hungarian as a Foreign Language.
In person: H-1016 Budapest, Somlói út 51., room 214
Telephone: +36-1-381-5146
E-mail: balassisummeruni@mfa.gov.hu
Furhter information at the webpage of MFA–Balassi Intézet: www.balassi-intezet.hu
Applications may be submitted in English language as well.

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