Are you interested in studying in Hungary for a shorter period? Are you a student of the Central European region? We introduce you to the CEEPUS mobility programme and the stories of former international participants with an exclusive interview!
Are you interested in studying in Hungary for a shorter period? Are you a student of the Central European region? We introduce you to the CEEPUS mobility programme and the stories of former international participants with an exclusive interview!
We would like to inform you that you now have the opportunity to apply for COVID-19 vaccination on the following English-language website:
Scholarship opportunities within the CEEPUS programme in Hungary are now available in virtual mobility form as well in the spring semester of 2020/2021 academic year.
The deadline for finalising and submitting your application to the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme was 16 January, 2021. Now, that you submitted your application, you may have the question what happens after the deadline in the upcoming months. Here you can read more about the most important milestones.
As you return from the holiday season and start a fresh new 2021, make sure that all the necessary prerequisites are met with your Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship application. Here is a checklist with the most essential steps you need to take until the deadline.