Plastic waste has devastating effects on the environment and scientists focus more and more on this subject every year. While there are dedicated research projects and experiments to find solutions to this global issue, sometimes we find answers when we expect it the least – even during a summer vacation!
The COVID–19 epidemic has paved the way for numerous innovations at an unprecedented pace worldwide. Hungary has contributed to this global fight with several initiatives, researches and patents with the help of our universities and scientists. In this article we have collected five innovations developed at Hungarian universities as a response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Universities are constantly monitoring actions of the Hungarian Government on the pandemic situation and adjust the form of education accordingly. Most Hungarian universities will begin the new semester with online education in February, while some practical classes or seminars will be held with the presence of students. Read more about each university’s decision about distance learning and online education.
During the COVID-19 epidemic, we have seen an unprecedented fast development of the vaccine that is right now the most effective way to fight coronavirus. This extremely swift scientific achievement could not have been possible without the years-long mRNA research of the Hungarian-born biochemist, and alumna of the University of Szeged, Katalin Karikó. In this article you can learn more about her discovery for which many – including the famous scientific intellectual, Richard Dawkins – suggest, she should win the Nobel Prize.
As the exam period of the previous autumn semester is about to end, more and more of you will turn your attention to the upcoming spring term. In this article, we collected the most important dates, periods and deadlines for you to make planning out the next semester easier.
The winter term is just about to start and in December Hungarian universities start their examination periods. It is a challenging time and a well-planned schedule can help you a lot to get ready for your exams. Check out the most important dates of selected major Hungarian universities!