July 20, 2020 08:44
Tradition and Experience - The University of Győr

If you are interested in studying in Hungary but you are still thinking about which university to choose, our series about Hungarian universities will help you decide! In this part, you can read more about Győr and its higher education institution, Széchenyi István University. If you want to study for a valuable EU degree in the “City of Waters”, read our article and get inspired!


The chief town of Győr-Moson-Sopron County is the sixth-largest city in Hungary. It is located in the North-Western part of the country, halfway between Budapest, Vienna and Bratislava. The area has been inhabited since the Roman times and its original name was Arrabona, after the river Arrabo (today’s Rába). Today, Győr is also called the “City of Rivers” or the “City of Waters” because of the confluence of three different rivers – the Danube, Rába, and Mosoni-Duna.

Győr surely has one of the most charming town centres in Hungary with its beautiful monuments and its romantic riverside boardwalks. In the baroque Old Town area, you can admire the masterpieces of the thousand-year-old Christian heritage such as churches, monasteries, or the bishop’s palace. The chief town is famous for its vibrant cultural life and it has hosted several international festivals so far, such as the 2017 European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), in which athletes from fifty countries have participated. Furthermore, if you are interested in science and modern technological inventions, you must visit the Mobilis Interactive Exhibition Centre or the Visitor Centre of the Audi Hungaria Motor Company, one of the largest engine factories in the world.


Széchenyi István University has two main campuses – in Győr and in Mosonmagyaróvár – and operates with 9 faculties and 4 doctoral schools. It offers a wide scale of degree and training programmes – from medicine and health, through IT and economic studies, to teacher training, sports and music. Right now, it has more than 12 000 students, with over 600 teaching and research staff members.

The university has more than 45 years of experience in the fields of transportation and telecommunication. Thanks to its unique partnerships with many industrial companies in the region (such as Audi, Bosch, IBM and many others), the university offers outstanding training and research possibilities for its students. You can get first-hand, practical knowledge during your studies which prepare you for the highly competitive labour market.


In Győr, the number of international students is growing every year. Currently, students arrive from 47 different countries and they can choose from a range of 35 English-taught programmes from bachelor’s to doctoral levels. Also, the university has Erasmus partnerships with 207 Higher Education Institutes in the EU which gives this modern Hungarian institution its unique, multicultural atmosphere.

Concerning living places, there is an ongoing modernisation, infrastructural renewal and expansion of the campus. The new Hall of Residence combines learning, entertainment and culture while it provides high standard accommodation for those international students who request it. In daily life, you can find several places where you can relax with your friends and have a drink, such as the Aula Buffet, Irodalmi Kávézó, Bridge Students’ Union Club and many more. Also, if you need a study area to prepare for your tests, you can always go to the University Library. Besides its 300 000 documents (books, theses, PhDs, CDs and DVDs etc.) the library also has 41 online, mostly full-text databases including the university’s educational materials. As a leisure time activity, you can choose from 25 sports facilities such as gyms, power and cardio-room, facilities for aerobic, callanetics and pilates, a swimming hall, football, handball or basketball courts with many other possibilities available.

Learning about the historical past of Győr, Széchenyi István University and its vivid international student life makes one thing sure: if you want to study for a valuable EU degree, Széchenyi István University is an excellent choice for you.

Are you curious about other Hungarian higher education institutions? Then check out our recent article about the University of Pécs, in which you can read about the beautiful historical town of Pécs and its possibilities for international students. Also, if you want to learn more about studying and living in Hungary, check out and follow our Facebook page and keep yourself updated.

Links and sources: admissions.sze.hu: university , brochures; apply.stipendiumhungaricum.hu ; wowhungary.com ; dailynewshungary.com; thecrazytourist.com

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