November 29, 2018 16:07
Stipendium Hungaricum Call for Applications 2019/2020

We are pleased to announce that the new Call for Applications for studies starting from Academic Year 2019/2020 is available and the application system is open!

Since the beginning of the programme, the number of Sending Partners has significantly increased. Currently nearly 70 Sending Partners are engaged in the programme throughout 5 different continents and the geographical scope is spreading each year.

Not only is the number of applicants continuously increasing, but the number of available scholarship places as well! In the academic year 2019/2020, more than 5 000 students can begin their studies within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme.

Similarly to the previous round of application, the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarships are available for bachelor, master, one-tier master, doctoral and non-degree programmes (preparatory and specialisation courses).  Both full degree and partial (exchange) study modes are available, depending on the educational cooperation agreement between Hungary and the specific Sending Partner.

In the case of partial (exchange) studies, please bear in mind the following:

  • If you apply for one single semester, you can choose between a February or September intake;
  • If you apply for two semesters (complete academic year), the start of the studies is in September.

Important information:

  • Online application system can be reached here:
  • Deadline for submitting the complete application package is 15th January 2019 – 23:59 CET
  • Contact the responsible authorities of your Sending Partner at your earliest convenience to inquire about their procedures as they might have different guidelines and requirements than TPF.
  • Applicants can apply for up to TWO different study programmes. These two study programmes can be both at the same Host Institution and at different Host Institutions; it is the applicants’ decision.
  • Make sure you select wisely your preferred study programmes in the online application system as most study programmes are offered both as full degree and partial study programmes, therefore these study programmes appear twice.  Double-check that you choose the programme marked with the study mode of your desire as it is not possible to change the study mode after the application deadline.
  • The order of preference is ESSENTIAL which cannot be modified after the application deadline.
  • Use a valid email address for the application where you can be contacted if necessary by TPF and the Host Institutions.
  • During the entrance exams at the Host Institutions, applicants are evaluated on a 100 points scale. A minimum point that is required to be achieved is 56 points. No applicants are able to receive a scholarship offer with an examination result below 56 points!

We strongly advise the applicants to read carefully the Call for Applications to get familiar with the application process, the study programmes and the entry requirements of the universities they consider applying to. Please make sure you prepare the compulsory documents in time, submit your application until the deadline and get ready for the entrance exams.

For further details, please visit the website of the programme:
We wish everyone a successful application period!

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