September 05, 2023 14:44
Proud of their African heritage
SZE's international students send video messages

Students of the African international community at Széchenyi István University in Győr, making up a group of 124 people, originate from 20 African countries. Four African students were invited to share their thoughts in a video message created by the institution on the occasion of the International Day for People of African Descent, related to the United Nations’ fifth sustainable development goal, gender equality.

As a higher education institution featured in global rankings and exerting a significant impact on its region, Széchenyi István University is committed to sustainability and to shaping future generations, aligning with the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Goal number 5 focuses on promoting gender equality, in support of which the University has been organizing a series of panel discussions titled Women in Family, Society and Science at the Budapest Innovation and Training Centre as well as producing two video messages marking international observances. These discussions and messages feature women, including international students and alumnae from the University, who, through their personal experiences and professional dedication, serve as inspirational role models.

As part of this series, in August, the University created a video message to mark the International Day for People of African Descent, highlighting the valuable contribution of the African diaspora to global development, culture and diversity. 

Check out the video of the students below! For the whole article click here!

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