
We redesigned our database and categorised the universities by study areas. In the Comprehensive Universities category we listed the universities with wide profile, which offer courses in various study areas. The universities with simple profile are listed under the category of their main study area.

If you look for universities in a specific study area, please use the search module below to get results from every category.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is Hungary’s leading university in the field of engineering, ranked No. 226 worldwide in Engineering and Technology by  QS. It is located at  the heart of Budapest, i  the 7th coolest place among cities worldwide (Time Out Magazine, 2022.).
Being established in 1782,  BME is one of the oldest technical universities of all time. In the past 241 years, BME  educated the brightest mind, including a number of Nobel prize winners and world-famous scientists and engineers. . We have a pleasent Core Campus with historical buildings embedded in parks as well as a Suthern Campus with modern buildings, both hosting high-tech laboratories as well as lecture halls and facilities.

As a student of BME, you become a member of an international community: every 8th of our students (approximately 3,000 out of 24,000) comes from abroad from over 100+ countries to study here. BME is a funding member of the “EELISA European University Alliance”, opening the gate to nine outstanding technical universities of the continent.  

Contact persons:

Ms. Sarolta Kóbori 
Coordinator for International Affairs
E-mail address: 

Dr. László Gergely Vigh
Director of the Department of International Academic Affairs
E-mail address: international@mail.bme.hu     

Study Areas

•    Faculty of Civil Engineering
•    Faculty of Architecture
•    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
•    Faculty of Natural Sciences
•    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
•    Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
•    Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
•    Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Languages of the Programmes

English, German

University services for international students

  • Survival Hungarian and BME etiquette workshop series
  • Launching and developing University experience courses
  • Involving international students to BME student life, e.g. student clubs
  • Movie nights for international students
  • Freshmen’s week for international students
  • Involving international students in the Student Union
  • Students’ Scientific Conference
  • Community room in the center of BME campus
  • Surveying companies that are able to receive international students for summer internship
  • Supporting events organized by the International Mentor Team
  • Cooperation with Google Developer Student Club BME (GDSC BME)
  • Intercultural sensitivity forums
  • Survey on students’ satisfaction
  • Survey on BME communication
  • Renewed pre-engineering program
  • Forum on thesis writing and requirements
  • Psychological counseling
  • Equal opportunities counseling service


Main page | BME central site

Social Media Links

Location and accessibility of the University:

The university (Map 1.) is located on the right side of the Danube between Szabadság Bridge and Petőfi Bridge and towards Rákóczi Bridge. This makes the university campus especially long and narrow: walking from one side of the university to the other can take as much as 20 minutes.

The Inner City of Budapest (Pest) is just across the river, about 10 minutes' walk by either of the bridges.

  • English
  • Hungarian
Study area
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Economic Science
  • Natural Science
  • Social Science
  • Teacher Training
  • Engineering Science
  • BA/BSc
  • MA/MSc/MBA
  • one-tier Master course