September 28, 2018 13:16
Tempus Public Foundation exhibited in Dublin, Ireland

Tempus Public Foundation attended The Irish Times Higher Options study fair in Dublin with a joint “Study in Hungary” stand between 12-14 September.

The promotion of the Hungarian higher education continued in Ireland, where introduction and enhancing the reputation of Hungarian higher education is strategically important. In addition to the Tempus Public Foundation’s presence at the Study in Hungary booth, two Hungarian higher education institutions were represented as well: the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the University of Pécs.

Based on the preliminary information from the Embassy in Dublin, there has been a growing interest among Irish students in higher education towards studying in Hungary, mainly in veterinary and medical fields. Therefore, it was not surprising that the Hungarian stand was very popular among Irish high school students: we provided information to more than a hundred visitors each day. The most attractive field of studies were, indeed, medicine and veterinary, but the topic of partial and full-time scholarship possibilities were also popular.

In addition, students were also interested in the fields of psychology and social sciences, health sciences, natural sciences, music, law, and economics. Since the main target group of the event was Irish secondary school students, mainly bachelor level education was in the centre of interest.

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